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At the Feet of The Mother


A Talk in English (video)
We have to go beyond the over-simplistic notion of good and bad fortune and look at the deeper causes that work from behind. It is in these depths and heights that we can discover the secret levers that can change our fate.
A Talk in English (video)
This talk cum interaction centers around the psychic approach to the Yoga. Questions such as relevance of old forms of worship, love for the Divine, intuition have been discussed. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey.
A Talk in English (video)
Yoga is a concentrated evolution; it is a means of bringing out the highest and deepest possibilities latent in man. Right now our life is hampered and limited in many ways. The human mind and senses as they are presently organized are fundamentally incapable of overcoming these limitations. Yet there is, in man, a quest sublime to exceed and transcend himself.
A Talk in English (video)
What is the essential core of Sri Aurobindo's vast and complex personality? On the one side we see him as an embodiment of tyaga (renunciation) and tapasya (concentrated spiritual endeavour), on the other - his tremendous compassion for earth and humanity.