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At the Feet of The Mother


A Talk in English (video)
Spiritual evolution can be very disorienting. We live our lives according to certain set patterns, ideas, beliefs, which are appropriate to the humans. But as we enter into higher levels, experience touch of the limitless vast, these ideas and patterns must fall away...
A Talk in English (video)
The age of religions is over. When a great Master comes and releases certain teachings, they have to be expressed in a body of words, which we understand in a human way. Every great teaching has an eternal element, the Sanatan Satya, but to receive it we have to go beyond the customs and external things in which it is trapped...
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
In that moment of deep crisis, the mighty Mother awakes in the being of Savitri. She takes charge and control of her body and mind, thought and will. She is now prepared to confront the enigma of the Night embodied in Death.