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At the Feet of The Mother


A Talk in Hindi (video)
Here we take up questions that arise with regard to Indian Culture. At the same time we also discuss briefly the origin and the context of the Book ‘The Foundations of Indian Culture.’
The Divine Mother is here to transform the creation. For this She has come armed with the Power of boundless Love that embraces all things and lifts them to the One. She further reveals that Satyavan and Savitri have met and known and worked for this divine consummation from life to life.
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
As if she knew not facts are husks of truth, The husks she keeps, the kernel throws aside. An ancient wisdom fades into the past, The ages' faith becomes an idle tale, God passes out of the awakened thought....
A Talk in English (video)
It is the second talk of the retreat "The Dialogue with Death and Quest for Immortality", which took place in July 2015 at SAYFNA ( Satsang with Dr Alok Pandey
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
There dawns no light of heavenly certitude. A million faces wears her knowledge here And every face is turbaned with a doubt. All now is questioned, all reduced to nought.
One with the Transcendent, calm, universal, Single and free, yet innumerably living, All in thyself and thyself in all dwelling, Act in the world with thy being beyond it.
A Talk in Hindi (video)
India can become a catalyst in the process of the New Creation. But it is important that India understands its own true heritage. India’s true destiny is to be the Guru of the world, but first it must acquire once again the knowledge of the Spirit, not through book reading but by direct inner experience.
A Talk in English (video)
It is first talk of the retreat "The Dialogue with Death, and Quest for Immortality", July 2015 at SAYFNA ( with Dr Alok Pandey.