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At the Feet of The Mother


Sri Aurobindo’s yoga makes many departures from traditional yogas, because with the experience and advent of the Supermind a new possibility opens for creation. It reveals that each and every element of creation not only has the Divine Presence within it but is actually moving towards a greater and greater divine becoming.
"In the greatness of a man, in music’s outspread wings, in a touch, in a smile,in a sound, Something that waits, something that wanders and settles not, a Nothing that was all and is found."
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
Savitri passes onwards beyond the vital worlds concealed within us to the world of mind where rule and measure predominate over the wild freedom and passion of life. The Spirit does not find its freedom here since it is tied to rule and norm.
This remarkable poem was written before coming to Pondicherry and is set in the period when one Age has vanished and the other is about to begin. King Manu encounters a Rishi who gives him the knowledge necessary for all times.
"Horse Heaven is mystic, ineffable, introspective and god-seeking – exploring and celebrating both external and internal infinities, and a quest for their meeting place. Imagine church music for everyone, without any sectarian baggage, with no need for division or fear – just sharing the wonder of this life eternal. That’s how I would sum up this essential release, from an artist whose music should be heard by all."
There we can walk and see the gods go by And sip from Hebe’s cup nectar enough To make for us heavenly limbs and deathless face.