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At the Feet of The Mother


"My life is the life of village and continent, I am earth’s agony and her throbs of bliss; I share all creatures’ sorrow and content And feel the passage of every stab and kiss."
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
The very first step towards the discovery of our soul is to observe our nature as a witness and a student. What do we find there? A constant restless movement of Nature in different domains of our being. It is the surface of our life. Here we cannot find the soul.
One hundred and twenty five years ago on the 11th Sep 1893 Swami Vivekananda awakened the people of America with his speech at the Parliament of Religions. In 1949, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother also gave a message to America. These wonderful messages have a universal and perennial appeal about them.


"This strutting “I” of human self and pride Is a puppet built by Nature for her use"