The first class of the Aug 2016 session of the Savitri Study Camp with Alok Pandey. The introductory session is primarily an overview of the Book 7 Canto 2, which was a subject of the previous Study Camp.
"...Unborn I sit, timeless, intangible:
All things are shadows in my tranquil glass.
My vast transcendence holds the cosmic whirl;
I am hid in it as in the sea a pearl."
On December 31, 1934, Sri Aurobindo wrote to his secretary that the just-typed “Rose of God” could be “circulated first as a sort of New Year invocation”.
"In that small flaming chariot Shiva rides.
The One devised innumerably to be;
His oneness in invisible forms he hides,
Time’s tiny temples to eternity."
Questions and Answers Session 1 at the Beach Office of Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry, 2016. In this talk the speaker gives us some valuable insights about work, fears and other life problems. For example, patience and stepping back helps man to start the work in a better way. Fear can be removed by constantly invoking and being with Divine in whatever form closer to the seeker.