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At the Feet of The Mother


Nirvana. August 1934. This sonnet was written while the texts of “Transformation” and “The Other Earths” were being prepared for publication in the Calcutta Review. It was published along with them in that journal in October 1934. There are two handwritten manuscripts and one typed manuscript of this poem.
This sonnet was published in the Calcutta Review in October 1934. Its first draft occurs just after the first draft of “Transformation”, which is dated 16 October 1933; thus it belongs, in all probability, to the year 1933.
This sonnet was published in the Calcutta Review in October 1934. Two months earlier, Sri Aurobindo asked his secretary to type copies of this poem and three others (“The Other Earths”, “The World Game” and “Symbol Moon”) from the notebook in which they and others had been written.
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
Satyavan has not yet discovered the key to link the Spirit and Matter, his Soul and Nature, the inmost Self and World. Yet a strange prescience intuitively tells him that now he shall be able to bridge the gulf since She has come, the World-Mother wearing the garb of the princess Savitri.
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
Satyavan invites Savitri, the golden bride, to descend from her chariot and enrich the floors of his earthly home. Savitri briefly gives her own introduction and requests Satyavan to speak more about himself. She is enchanted by his words even as Satyavan unveils his inner being bearing the stamp of an inner royalty.
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
Satyavan and Savitri are face to face with each other but a deeper heart has already been touched. Their soul has stepped out and seems to have recognized each other. Satyavan starts first and even as he speaks the first few words there is already a sense if intimacy and care that is being expressed.