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At the Feet of The Mother


Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
He saw the unshaped thought in soulless forms, Knew Matter pregnant with spiritual sense, Mind dare the study of the Unknowable, Life its gestation of the Golden Child.
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
She is being guided inwardly and outwardly by several Teachers and Gods who are keeping a vigil over Her. Although She is the Omnipotent Source of all, yet She has consented to assume a limited human body for the sake of Her work as an Avatara.
audio in hindi
The need of a Guru, one who can not just show us or point the path but help us walk through the entire spiritual journey, is well recognized in all spiritual traditions. However the disciple must have a call for the journey and be ready to submit to the Guru’s influence and obey the guidance.
audio in hindi
For those disciples and devotees who are practicing the yoga outside, the Ashram is the place of ‘central influence’ from where the Supramental Force radiates in its most intense way.