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At the Feet of The Mother


an audio in hindi
The journey of aspiration and faith is not just a journey of one life but continues in an ascending line through many lives and forms. Therefore we must guard our aspiration and faith like a priceless treasure which we carry with us beyond the grave and the pyre.
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
Sri Aurobindo uses the symbolism of seasons powerfully to reveal to us this deeper sense of the Divine Mother’s Birth. Nine months of preparations can be likened to three distinct cycles of evolution which prepares us for the fourth and final one when the Divine descends upon Earth.
Here the book ends, alas incomplete. The poem is unfinished, (some pages are lost), even then, Ilion is a wonderful gift to mankind by Sri Aurobindo. However, the speaker has connected the lost chords and told us the story till the end.
All the gods responsible for the different attributes discuss the destiny of men on earth and their part to play. Poseidon, Apollo, Aphrodite, Athena, Hera, Eris - all those gods spoke their part.