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At the Feet of The Mother

My World: The Mother – by Shanti Doshi (III)

What is mentalised vital and middle vital?

A: That part of the vital which thinks is the vital mentalised. The middle vital is that which is between the lower vital and the higher vital.



Q: What is to be done to prevent difficulties from producing depressions?

A: Become conscious.



Q: What is meant by the yogic term heart? Higher vital?

A: Yes, the emotional being.



Q: Is it not possible to surmount a difficulty without a lowering of the consciousness?

A: Certainly, it is even impossible to surmount the difficulty if the consciousness lowers itself. To surmount the difficulties, the consciousness must, on the contrary, make an effort and raise itself above its ordinary level.



Q: It is absurd that I get irritated against you. After all I do yoga not for your good but for my own. With this attitude all revolt, all irritations must stop.

A: This is perfectly true. Surely if you can remember this you will never have to struggle against revolt.



Q: To detach the inner being from it (sex tendency). Detach?

A: To detach, in this case, means not to identify oneself with.



Q: Is it not possible to stop the vital from creating difficulties by calling your help?

A: Certainly, not only possible but relatively easy.



Q: “When the central being has made its surrender, the principal difficulty has disappeared.” What is this central being? The psychic? I believe it is already consecrated to the Divine by its very nature.

A: The central being is not the same in each. It is that which governs the rest of the person and imposes its will. When it is the psychic being that has this central position in the person, then all becomes very easy.



Q: I do hope you will rid me soon of all this obscurity and ignorance.

A: Certainly, it will be done in as little a time as will be possible.



Q: Mother, I call thee, come, light up the obscure part that has come up. Give me thy love and thy peace.

A: My love and my peace are always with you. Open your heart and your mind to receive them.



Q: The vital must cease from all these stupidities and become wise. For this, I am ready to do all you wish. I hope to be able to succeed with your help.

A: Yes, you will certainly be able to do it. The part that has goodwill must strengthen itself till it has the power to govern the recalcitrant parts and force its conversion.



Q: What is the difference between the voice of the mental Purusha and the voice of the psychic?

A: The psychic voice is silent, it manifests itself more in the form of an understanding, a knowledge, rather than with words.



Q: Is there no difference in the effect of the voice of the psychic and that of the mental purusha?

A: Indeed, there is a great difference. It is much more difficult to hear the message of the psychic than the voice of the mental purusha. The latter is not infallible and can err. The psychic never errs.



Q: From where did the love and peace that I used to experience before come if my heart was always closed?

A: Your heart is not always closed. When it opens, the peace and love enter into you.



Q: Open my heart and set afloat, O Mother, the stream of love and peace.

A: Very willingly, my dear child.



Q: My vital being is normally under the control of the mental purusha; why is it not under the vital purusha?

A: The vital purusha awakes only when all the desires are mastered and the vital being is calm.



Q: When can one hear the voice of the psychic?

A: When one is very silent and very attentive.



Q: How is the mental purusha to be awakened?

A: The mental purusha is always more or less awakened in those who are used to observing themselves.



Q: I take it that the love and peace that come with the opening of the heart are psychic and therefore without mixture.

A: Not necessarily. Even though they come from the psychic, they can get mixed up with other movements less enlightened, when they manifest in the mind or vital.

Love and peace can come also from above directly from Divine regions.



Q: Is there no difference between the voice of the psychic and the voice of the Divine?

A: One can hardly say that the Divine expresses Himself through voice but rather by communicating a certain state of consciousness.



Q: When can the physical purusha awaken and control the physical being?

A: When the Light has descended into the physical consciousness.



Q: Cannot the love and peace that descend from above get deformed when they enter into the mind or the vital?

A: Certainly they are so very often; love changes into a kind of passion and peace into inertia.



Q: Are there other purushas besides the mental, vital and physical?

A: The psychic.

Q: As long as the psychic is veiled can one hear its voice without any deformation?

A: Little likelihood.

Q: As long as the being is not ready, can love, peace, ananda descend?

A: Partially.

Q: What is the function of the purushas?

A: Read the “Essays on the Gita”.

Q: What do you mean when you say, ‘open the thought’? open the thought mind?

A: Yes.



Q: I do not wish to take your valuable time. I shall not let anything hostile take expression in me; I shall not accept any influence except yours and shall reject whatever does not come from you. But certainly that is not easy.

A: Yes, but it will be so nice, good and useful! If you do that, nothing else will remain to be done — that will be entirely good.



Q: P says that there is nothing we can give to the Mother, as all is Mother’s. It is She who has made us. I said I have so far not given anything to Mother. I have still to give all, on the contrary.

A: You are both right — on different planes; and it is only in harmonising the two ideas that one approaches the Truth.



Q: Normally I do not feel anything about material objects, whether they are broken or lost.

A: That is wrong. Not to take care of the material things which one uses is a sign of unconsciousness and ignorance. One has no right whatsoever to make use of material objects, whatever they be, if one does not take care of them.



Q: Now I understand that even in material things there is the Divine.

A: Yes; and one must take care not because one is attached to them oneself but because they also manifest something of the Divine Consciousness.



Q: How to know that the heart is fully open?

A: That is a thing which one feels and which one cannot doubt when it happens.



Q: To open the heart — does it mean to bring the psychic being to the front?

A: The psychic coming to the surface is rather a result than the procedure.



Q: Today the whole world appears to me to be at peace; all is quiet and it looks as if I am a stranger in this unknown world. I am not aware of things around me. Was it always like this or had there been a change? I am not sure if I have expressed my experience correctly.

A: I understand very well what you want to say. It is an experience that takes place when one enters into a new field of consciousness.



Q: If this is a good experience, I do not understand why I do not feel your love and happiness.

A: Happiness and love do not accompany all experience.



The experience is only of an awakening of the consciousness.



Q: It appears these are the last moments of my life. I do not know what will happen, but in any case, my life will no more be as before. Something new is going to come soon.

A: I hope, indeed, these are the last moments of your revolts and depression and soon you will awake to the psychic consciousness, no more to depart from it.



Q: To live without Thee is to live in hell. I know nothing and I do not even question, for all is according to Thy Will.

A: All this is very good and you seem to have put one step forward. But you must be calm and quiet, a calm strong and full of aspiration, but without impatience.



Q: I wrote yesterday that there was a great calm; today it looks there is only a great depression.

A: There is simultaneously a part of being which lives in light and joy and another part which lives in depression and obscurity. If you turn your attention towards the depression, you feel it. If, on the contrary, you turn your attention towards the light and joy, you live in them.



Q: Let me turn entirely to thee, let me become thee. Thou alone shalt exist. I await that blessed hour. I do not know if I exaggerate.

A: It is for you to make true, by practice, the ideal your mind sets for you to fulfil.



Q: What is my central being at present?

A: Most probably a part of your mental being.

Q: Under what conditions can the psychic awake?

A: It depends upon no conditions.

Q: I feel your presence. In which part do I feel it since my heart is closed?

A: You can find me in all the parts of the being if they are open and receptive.



Q: The depression is increasing. You ask me to come out of it, but I cannot do so without knowing how and why it comes.

A: Try to understand and see clearly, then tell me what you see.

Q: Formerly I used to get rid of a cold within a few hours but this time it continues giving no end of trouble. Its reason is plain enough.

A: What reason do you see for it all? Try to express it precisely and clearly.



Q: I take it that my depression is the cause of my cold; it always pulls down the consciousness.

A: It is also a resistance in the brain pointing to what refuses to get transformed in the physical mind.

Q: I attribute the depression to the obscure parts of my being preventing the consciousness from uplifting itself. Maybe also it is ambition pulling the consciousness to the ordinary life.

A: Both are true.



Q: The psychic consciousness is the part by which one enters into the divine consciousness. Once one has the psychic consciousness, it is easy to get the divine consciousness.

A: Surely.

Q: It is only when one has the psychic consciousness that effort disappears and life becomes harmonious, full of beauty, divinity.

A: Yes.

Q: I believe that it is only when the psychic comes to the surface and acts that one has the psychic consciousness.

A: Or when one interiorises oneself sufficiently to enter into contact with one’s psychic being.

Q: Then what should I do to overcome the resistance of the physical mind — it obstructs and its pressure is always there.

A: You must first of all detach yourself from it, not identify yourself with its movements.

Q: Would you tell me something about the obscure parts of my vital? I do not know how they pull my consciousness, how they act on the physical plane.

A: It is through the organs of sense (sight, hearing, etc.) that they are in relation with the material plane.



Q: How to conquer the subconscient?

A: By advancing step by step, attentively observing with the light of consciousness.



All that one does with care becomes necessarily interesting.



Q: I have no more hope of psychic consciousness. I do not understand what is happening.

A: Do not torment yourself, be quiet and peaceful. Little by little, the consciousness will grow.



I have told you already, and I repeat it, you cannot understand with mental agitation. You must keep the mind absolutely quiet. It is only in quietude that the light can penetrate without resistance.



Q: The depressions comes everyday. I do not know what to do.

A: The only unfailing way to get rid of depressions is to divert one’s attention from and not to give them any importance.



Q: I fail to understand why people seek the help of others who are themselves imperfect.

A: They understand them better because they are nearer to them.



Q: My nights are disturbed. I feel fatigued in the morning; there is obscurity all round. How long will this continue?

A: Certainly it is not by getting agitated or impatient that the wrong movement will pass soon. On the contrary, if you can remain a little calm within you will be sooner out of your difficulties.

It is only in calm that one can enter into touch with the psychic consciousness.



Q: Is my life going to continue for ever in this unhappy way as at present?

A: I certainly hope not. But if you remain a little more peaceful inwardly, your boredoms will end sooner.



Q: I hope to be thy child and nothing else; I do not want to lose time.

A: You are my child; you have only to become conscious of it. I bless you, my dear child.



Q: When will people cease idling away their time and gossiping? Why don’t they understand?

A: Because they are still mentally too young.



Q: Remove from me the depression and fill my being with a supreme felicity.

A: You ought to be able to come out of your depression, to keep away from it and take refuge in a more harmonious consciousness.



Q: I aspire to have the psychic consciousness which would prevent me from wrong movements.

A: In the absence of the psychic, an enlightened mind can prevent the vital from its stupidities.



to be continued…

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