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At the Feet of The Mother

Opening Remarks for the Canto XV ‘The Kingdoms of the Greater Knowledge’

Aswapati is now at the gates of the eternal or rather the courtyards. He stands at the apex of the lower triple world. The World Mother has opened for him the doors to the Beyond. He stands now at the doors of Unknowable, on the highest peak of the Overmind where it joins the Supermind. Here one discovers the first touch of oneness rather than division as in the lower triple world.

This plane is best described as the Overmind Gnosis. There is no ignorance here but the possibility of ignorance is there which actually begins to manifest as the consciousness goes further down into the lower and lesser planes f the mind and further below. As such however the highest layer of the Overmind and its beings, the true Gods, are fully conscious of the oneness behind and act on the basis of this Oneness. These highest Gods and their feminine energies (Goddesses) are fourfold in their oneness and represent the four aspects of the One. These four aspects are Wisdom, Strength, Harmony, Perfection. They are variously described as the guardians of the Sun who stand at the gates, their names varying with the tradition. In Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga that leans on the Divine Mother they are the four great powers or aspects of the Divine Mother termed as Maheshwari, Mahakali Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati.  They must first prepare him with their action and it is only when Aswapati is thus prepared that he can go further through the golden gates or else he would risk a complete annihilation without any possibility of return. It is this change that Aswapati experiences in this highest Overmental plane that borders on and receives directly from the Supramental Truth.

I have objected in the past to Vairagya of the ascetic kind and the tamasic kind and by the tamasic kind I mean that spirit which comes defeated from life.