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At the Feet of The Mother
"At one with Nature and at height with heaven, A spirit vast as the containing sky And swept with ecstasy from invisible founts, A god come down and greater by the fall."
The journey towards the heart of darkness seems endless. It moves from grey to dark and further towards the dark extreme of creation.
A 1973 essay by Amal Kiran (TEXT)
A Body of immortal knowledge and force and bliss — a visible and palpable divinity — must be assumed to be the objective of every activity of the Mother as of Sri Aurobindo, even though our mind may fumble and see nothing but a luminous haze.
An essay by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
The bodily cage gone, it is Her eternal Presence, not just the inner Presence, not even the Supramental Presence on that high plane beyond Time and Timelessness, but Her eternal Presence established in Her New Body that is now here in our midst.
Then Savitri following the great winding road Came where it dwindled into a narrow path Trod only by rare wounded pilgrim-feet. A few bright forms emerged from unknown depths And looked at her with calm immortal eyes.
Sri Aurobindo's letters to Nagin Doshi (text)
About the scientific classification of the elements of consciousness, well, people say that Yoga is a kind of science.

It is not physical science where everything can be analysed and measured or where there are a certain number of processes which can always be repeated at will with an exact mechanical precision

Commentary on Savitri by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
Here Sri Aurobindo is cautioning us of what the aspirant may encounter on the Eternal’s Road. At the same time he reminds us of the ever-present Help and the Grace that we must always summon and pray for.
an audio in english
Many a time in the day and night it seems to me that I am [...] concentrated entirely in my heart which is no longer an organ, not even a feeling, but the divine Love, impersonal, eternal; and being this Love I feel myself living at the centre of each thing upon the entire earth ...
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (video)
Above blind fate and the antagonist powers Moveless there stands a high unchanging Will; To its omnipotence leave thy work's result. All things shall change in God's transfiguring hour.
from Conversations by the Mother (text)
The path must be shown and the doors opened but everyone must follow the path, pass through the doors and go towards his personal realisation. The only help one can and should receive is that of the Grace which formulates itself in everyone according to his own need.
These cults spread to propagate falsehood under different names. Their way of life was cruel and intolerant of all that did not share their belief. Deception, hypocrisy, cruelty, intolerance was the very law of this world of falsehood.
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (video)
"How shall I rest content with mortal days And the dull measure of terrestrial things, I who have seen behind the cosmic mask The glory and the beauty of thy face?"
Conversations with the Mother by Mona Sarkar (TEXT)
...Mother, why are You doing pranam in the photo? Why and to whom? Don’t you see that I am greeting the Truth? This is the necessary posture. It is the attitude of adoration and humility.
from Sri Aurobindo's writings (TEXT)
"It is not enough that our own hands should remain clean and our souls unstained for the law of strife and destruction to die out of the world; that which is its root must first disappear out of humanity."
I feel a great exhaustion and void after talking with X. Why is it so?

Well, you drew a big part of your lower nature from him [...] There is always a hereditary part of the nature which is a large portion of the outward nature — there is also the educational influence of the father