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At the Feet of The Mother
Life starts its journey through many pathways of ignorance, aided by its own instinct towards Truth and Freedom and Bliss. Now helped by the gods, now struggling alone she drives upon the pathways carved for her by Fate.
The greatest revolutions are hatched in silence by an inscrutable working of the Time-Spirit. The work of the prophet is more powerful, more creative than his words. And it is this intangible spirit with its irresistible force that moulds the destinies of mankind.
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
Mind, life the playthings of a Titan's babe. As one it works who builds a mimic fort Miraculously stable for a while, Made of the sands upon a bank of Time Mid an occult eternity's shoreless sea.
Could you kindly say something in general about the psychic and spiritual experience and the descent from above?

You have to learn by experience. Mental information (badly understood, as it always is without experience) might rather hamper than help. In fact there is no fixed mental knowledge for these things, which vary infinitely....

Our sacrifice is not a giving without any return or any fruitful acceptance from the other side; it is an interchange between the embodied soul and conscious Nature in us and the eternal Spirit [...] The soul knows that it does not give itself to God in vain...
Seldom do we commit a wrong or a mistake without getting a timely warning, however vague or weak, from within ourselves. This shows that the truth consciousness is within us...
Now life begins to stir and awaken and emerge from the depths of matter. Matter is filled with the dreams and impulsions of life. Life's first steps towards evolutionary journey are taken in ignorance.
... we have now reached a certitude since there is already a beginning of realisation. We have the proof that in certain conditions the ordinary state of humanity can be exceeded and a new state of consciousness worked out ...
Not with one moment of sharp close or the slow fall of a dim curtain the play ceases: Yet is there Time to be crossed, lives to be lived out, the unplayed acts of the soul’s drama.