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At the Feet of The Mother
O THOU whom we must know, understand, realise, absolute Consciousness, eternal Law, Thou who guidest and enlightenest us, who determinest and inspirest, grant that these weak souls may be strengthened and those who are fearful may be reassured.
"Each finite thing I see is a façade; From its windows looks at me the Illimitable. In vain was my prison of separate body made; His occult presence burns in every cell."
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
"Around him crowded grey and squalid huts Neighbouring proud palaces of perverted Power ... A misery haunting splendour pressed those fell Dun suburbs of the cities of dream-life."
A lack of strength or power in my consciousness to react against the movements of the ordinary nature. What is the matter with me? Why did my consciousness relax the mental control?
The Divine revelation takes a number of forms and proceeds along several lines of spiritual experience. Some of these are being described here, especially the various forms in which we come into contact with the inner Fire, the divinity within man.
Dreams are as natural as the activities of the day [...] Except in a few very rare instances, a dream is the awakening of something recorded in the subconscious. There are also symbolic and premonitory dreams, but very rarely do dreams consist of true memories of past lives [...] One dreams in the mental or vital consciousness but rarely does one dream in the psychic consciousness.
Man is not an individual wholly separated or isolated from other beings. In spite of his own unique personality and formation he is yet one with all and represents the whole of the terrestrial consciousness[...] All that is good in the world you have within you; all that is bad on earth, that too you possess in your consciousness. No human being is a pure saint or angel, nor is he a complete devil.
Devotional chanting and rotating dance, Dervish style, of Parvathy Baul, dancer, singer and storyteller from Bengal. A video clip from her performance in Auroville in 2011, produced by Manohar (PART 2).
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
In our ignorance we cut our world into strips of ‘mine and yours’, ‘good and bad’ etc, but in fact everything is there in everyone, as a potential possibility. It is waiting for its hour to manifest, and when the moment arrives springs up a surprise upon us.
What is the proper function of the intellect? Is it helpful in Sadhana? Before the psychic being takes hold of the Adhar, which part governs our mind, vital and physical? I feel that it is time I became aware of Her presence during intellectual activity also. How to start doing it?
The body is a marvellous instrument, it is our mind that does not know how to use it [...] But the supreme science, O Lord, is to be united with Thee, to confide in Thee, to live in Thee, to be Thou, and then there is nothing that is impossible to the man manifesting Thy omnipotence.
He said, “I am egoless, spiritual, free,” Then swore because his dinner was not ready.