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At the Feet of The Mother
One hundred and twenty five years ago on the 11th Sep 1893 Swami Vivekananda awakened the people of America with his speech at the Parliament of Religions. In 1949, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother also gave a message to America. These wonderful messages have a universal and perennial appeal about them.
Light Mandala and meditation at the Tibetan Pavilion, Auroville, on 31 December 2001. Camera and realization by Olivier Barot.
To live in Love, by Love, for Love, indissolubly united to Thy highest manifestation [....] Ever more of light, more of beauty, more of truth!


"This strutting “I” of human self and pride Is a puppet built by Nature for her use"
This is the description of the seer-king Aswapati as he ascends out of the zone of Ignorance and settles into Knowledge. We are also told that he also embodies the human aspiration and thus becomes a meeting point between the human, as he stands now, and the Divine manifestation that is yet to come.
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
Here we see a critical moment in Savitri’s life, when her central being, which is none other than the Divine Mother Herself in Her poise that has turned towards Creation to redeem it, the Mother of all souls, speaks to her reminding of her mission and gives her the program towards fulfilling it.
An interactive performance that gets its roots in the ancient practice of Kararipattu in Tamil Nadu. Artistic direction: Philippe Pelen Baldini and Thierry Moucazambo.
This last passage summarises the kind of freedom that the seer and yogi Aswapati has arrived at in the course of his inner journey. Aswapati, the king, is now a changed person, he has undergone a large and luminous change in his consciousness.