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At the Feet of The Mother
"There is another cause of the general inability to change which at present afflicts the sadhak. It is because the sadhana, as a general fact, has now and for a long time past come down to the Inconscient..."
"AS soon as all effort disappears from a manifestation, it becomes very simple, with the simplicity of a flower opening, manifesting its beauty and spreading its fragrance without clamour or vehement gesture. And in this simplicity lies the greatest power..."
"In a summary way, we are being shown the core process and the final result of the Supramental Transformation, - the discovery of the psychic being and becoming a conscious instrument of the Divine, a progressive opening and surrender to the Divine Mother and a growing oneness with Her."
"Relics are the living Presence of Sri Aurobindo, imbued with the light and force of his lifelong sadhana, just as an atom contains an infinite power in itself -- this is the truth behind the Relics. To always keep alive that truth and give due respect to it is what the Relics demand of us."
"Where then does the Gita stand amidst all this stupendous mass of revelatory scriptures whose sheer size and of course the substance is mind-boggling? One may even ask what extra truth if any does this rather short treatise of just about 700 shlokas bring?"
The psychic being leads man from birth to birth, through the doors of death, in numberless names and forms until man the individual grows into an image true of God. Aswapati himself has traced this journey through many lives until he has become the center of the Divine Descent.
"Let Thy glory be proclaimed, And sanctify life; Let it transform men’s hearts, And Thy Peace reign on earth."
The sonnet is reflecting Sri Aurobindo's own spiritual experience, elsewhere described as "... you stand before a temple of Kali beside a sacred river and see what? A sculpture, a gracious piece of architecture, but in a moment mysteriously, unexpectedly there is instead a Presence, a Power, a Face that looks into yours, an inner sight in you has regarded the World-Mother."
Video in English
A video recording of the conversation between Alok Pandey and Narad, which took place in Pondicherry in 2015. (CN17)
"It is no longer towards division and difference that we should turn our minds, but on unity, union, even oneness necessary for the pursuit and realisation of a common ideal, the destined goal ...."