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At the Feet of The Mother

Daily Offerings

Living Words

Nothing Remained

The Demiurges lost their names and forms,
The great schemed worlds that they had planned and wrought
Passed, taken and abolished one by one.

The universe removed its coloured veil,
And at the unimaginable end
Of the huge riddle of created things
Appeared the far-seen Godhead of the whole,
His feet firm-based on Life’s stupendous wings,
Omnipotent, a lonely seer of Time,
Inward, inscrutable, with diamond gaze.

Attracted by the unfathomable regard
The unsolved slow cycles to their fount returned
To rise again from that invisible sea.

All from his puissance born was now undone;
Nothing remained the cosmic Mind conceives.

[Savitri: Book Three Canto One]

Living Words

The Force is Here

July 6, 1914

What plenitude in the perception! The entire individual being, modest, humble, surrendered, adoring, calm and smiling, feeling one with all beings, unable to make any difference of value, in perfect solidarity with all things, is kneeling down before Thee together with them all; and at the same time the formidable omnipotence of Thy Force which is here, ready for the manifestation, waiting, building the propitious hour, the favourable opportunity: the incomparable splendour of Thy victorious sovereignty.

The Force is here. Rejoice, O you who are waiting and hoping: the new manifestation is sure, the new manifestation is at hand.

The Force is here.

All nature exults and sings in gladness, all nature is at a festival: The Force is here.

Arise and live; arise and be illuminated; arise and battle for the transfiguration of all:

The Force is here.

[Prayers and Meditations of the Mother]

Living Words


Humility is that state of consciousness in which, whatever the realisation, you know the infinite is still in front of you. The rare quality of selfless admiration about which I have spoken to you is but another aspect of true humility; for it is sheer arrogance that refuses to admire and is complacent about its own petty achievements, forgetting the infinite which is always ahead of it. However, you need to be humble not only when you have nothing substantial or divine in you but even when you are on the path of transformation. Paradoxical though it may sound, the Divine who is absolutely perfect is at the same time absolutely humble—humble as nothing else can ever be. He is not occupied in admiring Himself: though He is the All, He ever seeks to find Himself in what is not-Himself—that is why He has created in His own being what seems to be a colossal not-Himself, this phenomenal world. He has passed into a form in which He has to discover endlessly in time the infinite contents of that which He possesses entirely in the eternal consciousness.

[The Mother: CWM 3]

From Alokda

Songs of the Soul: December 23, 2024

Mother Divine, Maa, all these ever changing scenes, situations and circumstances keep engaging and tying us down to the outer fields of life and the surface vision of things. Thus time flies past and we miss the opportunity of turning our gaze within and discovering the purpose of the great game of life and our role in it… and perhaps centuries pass as we ride upon the waves of joy and sorrows. Nature is in no hurry especially since we are quite content with this old game.

But there is in us, the soul, that once awakened cannot be content with this surface life and its ignorant engagements. It turns within and seeks for the Source and for the Permanence, for unfading Beauty, immortal Love and the unchanging Truth. In this discovery lies the true and lasting solution to the problems that have vexed mankind for ages.

Maa, may the need to search our soul awaken in real earnest in our hearts. Shedding the transient personality of the moment to which we so desperately cling, may man pick up the pilgrim staff of faith and lighting the torch of aspiration undertake the journey of self-discovery, the discovery of the immortal self, the discovery of Thy wonderful Presence within us, Thy Presence that heals all, awakens all, fills all with Thy Peace and Love and Light and Beauty and Joy.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

From Alokda

The Master

The Master is everywhere hidden behind His works. Blinded by our own ignorance thinking it to be the highest light we are unable to see Him or receive His Guidance.

When the scales of ego fall off and the mind grows quiet then the flame of aspiration surges forth and tearing the veils of ignorance reveals His secrets to us. Then we find God everywhere and hear His words in the babble of a child or a madman and His laughter in the roaring thunder and the flash of His light behind the blinding storm.

Then the whole universe speaks to us of Him and He speaks to us in the language of the bird and the beast and the flowers and the stars.

From Alokda

Is doing Griha Pravesh necessary for a family of devotees entering a new house?

When we go to a new place where we will be staying for a considerable period, we like to clean it. But physical spaces also have many invisible occult forces and formations in the atmosphere. They too need cleansing.

Griha Pravesh is a way of doing this cleaning of the inner atmosphere of the place. However, such ceremonies are not necessary for doing this. It is enough to quietly meditate with an aspiration to call the Divine Presence and consecrate the house. One can pray for all who would be living here invoking Peace and Light in the atmosphere. It can be facilitated by using mantras and soul-uplifting music such as the Mother’s or Sunil Da music.

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