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At the Feet of The Mother

Remembering Sudhir Sarkar [21.02.1889 – 27.04.1974]

A film produced by Arvind Akki, Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Born in Faridpur (Bogra, now in Bangladesh) on 21st February 1889, he was the son of Dr Prasanna Kumar Sarkar (Bagchi), an eminent medical practitioner, who was also a close associate of Dr K. D. Ghosh, Sri Aurobindo’s father in Khulna. …

Sudhir lived with Sri Aurobindo like a family member for almost a year. Later, he looked after Sri Aurobindo when they both were in the Alipore Jail in the year 1908-1909. …

(from life sketch written by Mona Sarkar, son of Sudhir)



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I have objected in the past to Vairagya of the ascetic kind and the tamasic kind and by the tamasic kind I mean that spirit which comes defeated from life.