ऑडियो सुनें
यूट्यूब वीडियो देखें
अध्यात्मिक जीवन में प्रवेश के लक्षण | MY 034
अध्यात्मिक जीवन की तैयारी के लक्षण | MY 033
अध्यात्मिक जीवन और आपदाएं | MY 032
श्री अरविंद का ध्यान | MY 031
शब्दों के परे | MY 030
बुद्धि द्वारा नियंत्रण | MY 029
विश्राम एवं स्वास्थ्य | MY 028
स्वप्न एवं कामनाएं | MY 027
सत्य की विजय | MY 026
साधारण जीवन और चैत्य सत्ता | MY 025
सबसे अच्छा मित्र | MY 024
सक्रिय ध्यान | MY 023
पोस्ट देखें
Video in Hindi
Mother reads out her article “Concentration and Dispersion” (On Education), then comments on it.
Video in Hindi
इस हिंदी वार्ता में हम वाणी (खंड:४) से पंक्तियों को पढ़ते हैं
Video in Hindi
"O Consciousness, immobile and serene, Thou watchest at the confines of the world like a sphinx of eternity. And yet to some Thou confidest Thy secret. These can become Thy sovereign will which chooses without preference, executes without desire."
Video in Hindi
"... the great decisive movement of Nature's yet unrealised transformation can take place. A new power will descend and change the conditions of life upon earth."
Video in Hindi
"Vigilance is the way that leads to immortality (or Nirvana). Negligence is the way that leads to death. Those who are vigilant do not die. Those who are negligent are dead already." [Dhammapada]
Video in Hindi
Is there then no real freedom? Is everything absolutely determined, even your freedom, and is fatalism the highest secret?