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सावित्री वेद | SVH

Savitri Veda in Hindi Cover
सर्गानुसार भाष्य. 2021 में 62 वार्ताएं पूरी हुईं।
डाउनलोड के लिए ज़िप पुरालेख
आप 128 केबी या 64 केबी पुरालेख डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं
Video in Hindi
This talk is a summary of Book Two Canto Twelve of Savitri. Climbing through the summit of Thought Aswapati now enters the realm of Ideas where the forces of Truth are unleashed like rays as phalanx from the body of Light.
Video in Hindi
This talk is a summary of Book Two Canto Thirteen of Savitri. Here cease the limits of Mind. All is plunged in the nirvana of a vast impersonality, formless, causeless, a state of escape into vacant Nothingness. It is not the state of pure Existence but of Its reflection in the mind substance.