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At the Feet of The Mother

She is here, She is here

Amidst the din and the noise and the cry
She has come to earth as a golden sunrise
Wisdom transcendent the Eternal’s artist bride
To heal and bridge the gulfs with Her Light.
Lo! She arrives, the Mother of Love and Delight
Charming all things with her Sweetness and Light
Brighter than our suns and gentler than our moons
In her chariot of jewelled spokes She arrives.
She has come to meet the Lord of the Worlds
Carrying in her lids the dreams of a new life
Together they must weave, together to build
A diviner world now sails into man’s sight.
Together they conceive a greater Age for man
An Age of Truth, Love and Harmony to reign
Children of the future now begin to arrive
Their hearts full of songs with heavenly strain
She has come and the earth awakens with hope
Rejoicing at her divine and endless scope.
Alok Pandey

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