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At the Feet of The Mother

Early Disciples

An interview with Amalda by Anie Nunnally
Amal was born Kekushru (Kekoo) D. Sethna on November 25, 1904 in Bombay. The family were members of the Parsi community in Bombay; descendants of the Zoroastrian Persians
The Mother: Past-Present-Future
Q: So many problems have been facing me of late. I wonder how they are to be solved happily. Mother: “The only way to a true and lasting happiness is a complete and exclusive reliance on the Divine’s Grace.” (19-10-1941)
Essays and Talks of Nirodbaran
The world is racked with violence: life has lost its sanctity, a dark Power has eclipsed the light of faith, truth and love. At this critical juncture, the Matrimandir is rising like a tower of peace and harmony....
Essays and Talks of Nirodbaran
Many times in the past as well as recently, some serious physical problems have affected a few of the older sadhaks, making me wonder what the occult reason for this might be. Material science would scoff at such a concern. But, in the Ashram, spiritual science must take the occult into account....