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At the Feet of The Mother

Early Disciples

Essays and Talks of Nirodbaran
The great Samata that he had attained in his soul was certainly no mean achievement and was the result of his life-long sadhana and devotion to the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. His name Pujalal meaning worship is amply justified.
Essays and Talks of Nirodbaran
Cricketer, footballer, tennis player, keen hunter, litterateur, a good translator and bon vivant... Dilip-da is said to have remarked that Kalyan was a Prahlad in the Daitya Kula of their family.
Essays and Talks of Nirodbaran
With the Mother he is so free and natural like a child asking questions, correcting her, and the Mother indulging his whims and views. None of us would dare to take so much liberty with her and he did it because he loved her as his own mother.
Essays and Talks of Nirodbaran
One never came from a meeting with him without carrying away some sweetness, light and purity. Purity, sweetness and light were indeed his inborn psychic qualities. The name “Pavitra” given to him by Sri Aurobindo could not have been more appropriate. One could feel a white light wrapping him like a fine vesture wherever he went.
Essays and Talks of Nirodbaran
In 1967 the Mother wrote to Pradyot ..., “Pradyot, my dear child, I need you as my instrument, and you will remain so. Be very quiet — endure with courage. I am with you in love and in victory.”
Essays and Talks of Nirodbaran
.... his freedom from the taint of personality: ego was dead. He had love for all and sundry. Enemy he had none, not even those who were considered to be doing harm to the Ashram. He accepted them all as the Mother’s children and left it to her to judge them.
Essays and Talks of Nirodbaran
It was my great good fortune to have Sri Aurobindo as my guru. In my exploration of spiritual history I have not come across any other guru who can be compared to him. He was not only guru, but also the Divine in a human body, the last Avatar, the supramental Avatar according to the Mother. A synthesis of two cultures, oriental and occidental — poet, philosopher, politician, linguist, literary critic — he was also the yogi who might well say: “I have drunk the Infinite like a giant’s wine.”