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At the Feet of The Mother

Early Disciples

An Essay by Nirodbaran
" ... it was no longer the body, but the golden lid which half-covered, half-revealed that Truth. Those who had the inner sight had realised the Truth and those who had the inner ear had heard in the still cave of their heart the piercing cry, “I am here, I am here!”
When my mind presses the vital and the ego for an inward turn, they start a revolt. The sadhana then becomes difficult and dangerous instead of simple, happy and safe.

There is no reason to accept their despair, depression or revolt [...] There is also no reason why one should insist on the sadhana being simple, happy and safe and, if it is not, refuse to follow it.

The shikha was scissored off clean by Nolini Kanta Gupta in obedience to Sri Auro­bindo’s order at about 2 a.m. on the altar of the temple at sacred Pondicherry in which Sri Aurobindo is the mūrti (deity). He performed this service when I was asleep.
22nd January is Shri Dilip Kumar Roy’s birthday. His has been an interesting and tumultuous journey. But what one finds most interesting and striking through his journey is Sri Aurobindo’s Compassion and the Mother’s Love. On this day we share some of the letters exchanged between him and the Master.
Champaklal was the living embodiment of the fire of yoga, aspiration and devotion, fusing into divine service. He was born to serve Them and it seems that like Hanuman, he came along with the Divine Avatara with a very specific work. 2nd February (1903) marks his birthday.