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At the Feet of The Mother

Early Disciples

An audio in English
Pavitra da's departure is no less inspiring than his life. We have heard about great yogis who have shed their mortal cloak consciously, but here is a yogi who not merely shed but fused his mortal cloak with the Divine Mother. Let us share something about this wonderful account and the mysteries associated with Pavitra da’s departure.
An audio in English
16th of Jan 1894 is birthday of Pavitra da, one of the early and foremost disciples of Sri Aurobindo. His life (and his death) are truly exemplary. His seeking brought him to Pondicherry at the Feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in 1925, where he devoted the rest of life until his departure in 1969. Today we shall take a look at some aspects of Pavitra da’s life.