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At the Feet of The Mother

Sri Aurobindo's Writings

'Essays Divine and Human' (CWSA volume 12) is a marvellous collection of essays, short writings and mind-widening aphorisms. These are essays that Sri Aurobindo wrote after his arrival in Pondicherry in 1910 but which were not seen by him before publication.
Bengali Writings
Many think that although works form part of dharma, not so all types of work; only those that are governed by sattwa and conducive to nivṛtti.
Bengali Writings
As a matter of fact, all without exception is real; the world is unreal in the transcendent status, but we who are not beyond Time and Space have no right to call the world false.
Bengali Writings
When the religion of the race and of the time-spirit are fulfilled, the eternal religion will spread and establish itself throughout the world.