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At the Feet of The Mother

Sri Aurobindo's Writings

Bengali Writings
The ideal society is the vehicle of the indwelling Godhead of a human aggregate, the chariot for the journey of Jagannath. Unity, Freedom, Knowledge and Power constitute the four wheels of this chariot.
Karmayogin was launched by Sri Aurobindo on the 19th June 1909 six weeks after his acquittal from the Alipore trial case. The person who came out of the prison was a Jivanmukta and Karmayogi. The name of the journal that he now launched was perfectly apt.
Bengali Writings
That India has undergone a downfall in the Kali age no one can deny. But God never descended on earth to bring about a downfall. The Incarnation is for saving the Law, the world and men. Particularly in the Kali age does God incarnate Himself in full.
Bengali Writings
The main weapons of this divine Maya are affection and pity. In the human race, love and affection are impure movements; owing to distortions produced by the body and the vital sheath the purity of the love and compassion is tarnished and deformed.
Bengali Writings
The Mahabharata is not a metaphorical piece nor are Krishna and Arjuna the creations of poetic fancy, the Gita too is not the speculation of a modern logician or philosopher. Therefore we have to prove that anything said in the Gita is not impossible or against reason.