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At the Feet of The Mother

Sri Aurobindo's Writings

Sri Aurobindo's letters to Nagin Doshi (text)
Just as the opening to these universal forces has come naturally and by itself, I hope that the control over them will also come by itself in time.

To be conscious is the first step towards overcoming — but for the overcoming strength is necessary and also detachment and the will to overcome.

Sri Aurobindo's letters to Nagin Doshi (text)
About the scientific classification of the elements of consciousness, well, people say that Yoga is a kind of science.

It is not physical science where everything can be analysed and measured or where there are a certain number of processes which can always be repeated at will with an exact mechanical precision

from Sri Aurobindo's writings (TEXT)
"It is not enough that our own hands should remain clean and our souls unstained for the law of strife and destruction to die out of the world; that which is its root must first disappear out of humanity."
I feel a great exhaustion and void after talking with X. Why is it so?

Well, you drew a big part of your lower nature from him [...] There is always a hereditary part of the nature which is a large portion of the outward nature — there is also the educational influence of the father

"It is his [the sensational man] coming which has been the precipitative agent for the reshaping of the modern world. If a Lenin, a Mussolini, a Hitler have achieved their rapid and almost stupefying success, it was because this driving force, this quick responsive acting mass was there to carry them to victory..."
When my mind presses the vital and the ego for an inward turn, they start a revolt. The sadhana then becomes difficult and dangerous instead of simple, happy and safe.

There is no reason to accept their despair, depression or revolt [...] There is also no reason why one should insist on the sadhana being simple, happy and safe and, if it is not, refuse to follow it.

The thought-power of the society, almost its soul-power — if it has any longer so unsubstantial and unproductive a thing as a soul — is not in its religion or its literature, although the former drags on a feeble existence and the latter teems and spawns, but in the daily Press, primarily an instrument of commercialism and governed by the political and commercial spirit and not like literature a direct instrument of culture.