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At the Feet of The Mother

Sri Aurobindo's Writings

"... in this harmony between our unity and our diversity lies the secret of life; Nature insists equally in all her works upon unity and upon variation."
"The faith in the divine Shakti must be always at the back of our strength and when she becomes manifest, it must be or grow implicit and complete. There is nothing that is impossible to her who is the conscious Power and universal Goddess all creative from eternity and armed with the Spirit’s omnipotence."
"There can be for the seeker of the integral Yoga no clinging to resting-places on the road or to half-way houses; he cannot be satisfied till he has laid down all the great enduring bases of his perfection and broken out into its large and free infinities, and even there he has to be constantly filling himself with more experiences of the Infinite."
One hundred and twenty five years ago on the 11th Sep 1893 Swami Vivekananda awakened the people of America with his speech at the Parliament of Religions. In 1949, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother also gave a message to America. These wonderful messages have a universal and perennial appeal about them.
The French revolution marked an important step in the earth’s evolutionary history. Sri Aurobindo has written extensively about it and as it seems was very much behind this revolution. Today’s talk is dedicated to this momentous event.