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At the Feet of The Mother

Yoga as Practical Psychology

A Talk in English (video)
This is a re-post from April 2018 - now with subtitles in German, kindly contributed by Funda Astel, and with a beautifully made Auroville WIKI page with a full transcript and supplementary materials. "This is a second part of a talk by Dr Alok Pandey at Savitri Bhavan, which has been posted recently (a link is provided inside this post)"
A Talk in English (video)
The second talk by Dr Alok Pandey about dealing with psychological challenges on the spiritual path in the light of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo at the event, organised at the Pavilion of Tibetan Culture, Auroville, by Sante (Auroville Institute for Integral Health). A link to full transcript at Auroville WIKI has been added.
A Talk in English (video)
This world is not what it appears to be. It is a distorted appearance of a reality, and we are playing with this distorted appearance. Because we don't perceive it rightly, therefore our responses are also not right responses.
A Talk in Hindi (audio)
An interactive session with children from Odisha school on the decision making process. The various levels and ways of decision making are discussed against a background of our integral growth and spiritual evolution.
The Mother spoke of this creation as the creation of a progressive equilibrium and hence it will escape the general law of dissolution or pralaya that has been the fate previous six creations so far. We dwell a little deeper on this subject of Equilibrium with the help of the Mother.
To bring down and establish the Divine Perfection upon Earth in a collective setting is a seemingly impossible task. Yet the Mother and Sri Aurobindo have taken up this work too and slowly the world is moving towards it.