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At the Feet of The Mother

Yoga as Practical Psychology

Video in Hindi
इस हिंदी वार्ता में हम देखते हैं की किस तरह हम अपने अतीत से आगे बढ़ के भविष्य की ओर ध्यान केंद्रित कर सकते हैं।
Audio in English
The Mother: "Everyone is born with ... (what can I call it?) some special twist ... that's what remains last of all. With our idiotic human logic, we think, "That's what should go first," but it's not true: it's what goes last!"
audio in english
Words of the Mother: ".... A self-giving, that's what is needed to save the world! Mental faith isn't enough, psychic fervor is necessary – self-giving, self-abnegation…."
One has to also shift the motive from satisfying one’s ambition and desires to making action as a means to serve Her and grow in union with Her.
Unlike in ordinary life where the stress is on modifying outer behaviour to suit our vested interests, yoga insists first on an inner change.