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At the Feet of The Mother

SUPREME BENEDICTION – a Homage to The Mother by N. Guha Roy

Remember, my child, I am always with you, deep in your soul,
At all hours, Remember, I watch over your life and progress,
With love and care and guide your uncertain steps.
Remember me wherever you may be in the world.
Repeat my name whenever you have a little time to spare.
I am present everywhere. To see and feel my Presence.
My child, you have only to switch on the inner Light.

I am inside you, outside you, above and below.
You can feel my Love with only a little warmth on your side.
Remember, I never abandon you even when you go out of the happy sunlit path.
Remember my Love always, I never scold or punish, that is not my way.
I am pouring my love in your heart day and night.
Remember, I am your Mother, Father, Counselor and Queen.
Remember me always for I am your closest, faithful and dearest Friend.
Hide nothing from me. Depend on me for all your needs.
Remember you are My child, I can never be ashamed of you, whatever you do,
Remember me, I shall give you sunshine, laughter and joy in life,
Which no one can take away from you.
In spite of your thousand mistakes, hold on to me,
Remember, my child can never fail.
Tell me all your plans and dreams. I am always with you.
Remember, I love and protect you.
Remember me when afraid, no one can do any harm to you.
I want you to be really good, always happy, my child.
Remember, I live in the heart
Of all living beings, human and animal.
When you are kind to anyone, Remember, you are kind to me.
Be generous as the ocean, fill the world with good thoughts and feelings.
Be straight and simple, Remember me always without fail.
Enter your heart to know what I like, Remember, never to tell a lie.
I shall put within your reach all that is noble and beautiful.
Have the utmost goodwill for all, Remember, all are my Children.
Remember me for any help for I am always with you day and night.
Remember, my child, your life is worth living only in the service divine.

[Listen with your Heart. Welcome the Mother, pp. 140-141]


The author, Niranjan Guha Roy, was born in East-Bengal, the 30 May 1920. He was a Pilot in the Royal Air Force during the war.
In 1945 after the war he joined the Ashram of Sri Aurobindo in Pondichery where he remained up to 1984.
Then he went to France, Britany where he created a place called Motherland in honor of the Mother. He left his body in August 2005.

[the above bio data are courtesy ]

Almost all of man’s works of art — literary, poetic, artistic — are based on the violence of contrasts in life. When one tries to pull them out of their daily dramas, they really feel that it is not artistic.