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At the Feet of The Mother

Swadhyaya on ‘The Mother’ with Dr H Maheshwari – 38 Talks Restored and Fully Uploaded

In 1994, Dr H. Maheshwari has held a study of Sri Aurobindo’s ‘The Mother’ at the AuroMira Relic Centre in the suburb of London, which has been captured on audio. The audio recording quality is not even but mostly acceptable.

The audio tracks have recently been restored and added to a DEDICATED PAGE which contains an audio player to listen to all tracks in sequence, a full archive for batch download and listening offline, and a reference list connecting talks with passages of Sri Aurobindo’s text.

Please consider visiting also the main Dr Mahershwari’s page, which also contains video, audio and textual materials.


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Death creates an illusion, not only of the vanity of life, but regards life itself as an error, a mistake, even a sin to be born upon earth.