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At the Feet of The Mother

The Fruits of the Growing Psychic Being

The psychic simply grows through its contact and experiences of the world. With its growth there emerge the capacities and possibilities embedded in it as a seed.

One of the first things that develop in the psychic being learns is the ability to discern between true and false by going behind appearances.

It learns what draws us nearer the Divine and what veils and obscures the Presence.

It develops wisdom and strength and along with it the urge to give itself and our nature entirely to God.

It grows in the spirit of service of the Divine.

It brings out of itself the qualities of spontaneous gratitude towards the Divine, enthusiasm and cheerfulness for the Divine service, thirst for progress, true faith and devotion.

It brings out of itself an intuitive knowledge that helps us move along the path of life.

Eventually, it brings out of itself the fullness of the divine possibility that each individual psychic being is destined to manifest. In this process, it may even be joined by the descent of a divine being from above.



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I have objected in the past to Vairagya of the ascetic kind and the tamasic kind and by the tamasic kind I mean that spirit which comes defeated from life.