Opening remarks
Aswapati has come all the way with an aspiration for the redemption of the world. He is fulfilled and overwhelmed by the marvellous vision of the Divine Mother. But his heart grown one with every heart awaits the fulfilment of the Divine Will in creation.
Mightier task
A mightier task remained than all he had done.
There is a greater, a mightier task that remains even when our individual being is fulfilled. It is the great and tremendous work of terrestrial fulfilment, the divine consummation of humanity.
To That he turned
To That he turned from which all being comes,
A sign attending from the Secrecy
Which knows the Truth ungrasped behind our thoughts
And guards the world with its all-seeing gaze.
He now turned towards That which is the very Source of all things. He sought the Truth that is beyond the grasp of thoughts and yet guards the world with its all-seeing gaze. It is the Supramental Truth that is yet to manifest upon Earth that Aswapati seeks to bring down. Our mond with its limitations cannot grasp that which is beyond the mind. Aswapati has reached to that highest point of the Mind and knows that the remedy, the solutioon lies there. It is not to be found within the realms of the Mind. He seeks a sign from the Beyond now. The sign that Aswapati is waiting for is a sanction for his aspiration.
Unapproachable stillness
In the unapproachable stillness of his soul,
Intense, one-pointed, monumental, lone,
Patient he sat like an incarnate hope
Motionless on a pedestal of prayer.
His being ingathered and concentrated within his still soul, he sat intense yet patient like an incarnate hope; one-pointed, lone, motionless on a pedestal of prayer. What is being described here is the intense concentration full of trust, full of prayer and surrender that is needed to bring down the Supermind upon earth. It is this process in which Aswapati is engaged in now.
The sanction from omnipotence
A strength he sought that was not yet on earth,
Help from a Power too great for mortal will,
The light of a Truth now only seen afar,
A sanction from his high omnipotent Source.
It is the Supramental Wisdom, the supramental Power, the supramental Light that Aswapati seeks for earth. The earth has so far not yet seen this Light nor felt Its Power except indirectly from behind the screen of the mind. Yet, if sanctioned by the Supreme it is this Light and Power that can transform earthly life.
The timeless lids were closed
But from the appalling heights there stooped no voice;
The timeless lids were closed; no opening came.
But the lids that part Time from the Timeless were still closed. No voice came from the heights. The higher hemisphere is separated from the lower by a golden lid. It is a veil woven by Itself to prevent the lower hemisphere from being flooded by too intense, too powerful a Light.
Neutral helpless void
A neutral helpless void oppressed the years.
A neutral helpless void oppressed his days and years. Yet nothing came out of that state of utter Nothingness, a state in which Aswapati waited patiently though oppressed by the years.
Closing Remarks
The wonderful vision that Aswapati had has withdrawn into Her timeless fields. Aswapati now waits at the threshold summits for Her sanction to enter into the greater hemisphere so that what he has glimpsed and experienced may be shared by earth and men.
About Savitri | B1C3-11 Towards Unity with God (pp.31-33)