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Twisted Truths, pp. 212-213

Opening Remarks
Evil twists the truth. It uses its body, drives away the original spirit and then twists it beyond recognition. Such is its action upon nature and man.

Gulfs of Night
Impure, sadistic, with grimacing mouths,
Grey foul inventions gruesome and macabre
Came televisioned from the gulfs of Night.

Dark and sordid imaginations, foul thoughts and gruesome suggestions, instruments for sadistic pleasure, ugly faces were all projected from these dark and sunless worlds into our life. All forms were distorted under its influence.

Tormented postures
Her craft ingenious in monstrosity,
Impatient of all natural shape and poise,
A gape of nude exaggerated lines,
Gave caricature a stark reality,
And art-parades of weird distorted forms,
And gargoyle masques obscene and terrible
Trampled to tormented postures the torn sense.

All natural forms were distorted with exaggerated lines and caricature of reality in the name of Art. Painting and sculpture were twisted and turned into something obscene and hideous, ugly and weird and projected as reality. Thus the senses were tortured to bear the impact of distorted forms.

Evil’s worshippers
An inexorable evil’s worshipper,
She made vileness great and sublimated filth;
A dragon power of reptile energies
And strange epiphanies of grovelling Force
And serpent grandeurs couching in the mire
Drew adoration to a gleam of slime.

A dark and fallen Nature worshipped an infernal power. Her action was to make vileness great and endow with power the hostile forces. The sense of joy in this realm was also perverted. It revelled in grovelling in the mud and crouching in the mire. Its adoration was offered to a mud-mixed artificial light that it saw shining in the slime.

Twisted nature
All Nature pulled out of her frame and base
Was twisted into an unnatural pose:
Repulsion stimulated inert desire;
Agony was made a red-spiced food for bliss,
Hatred was trusted with the work of lust
And torture took the form of an embrace;
A ritual anguish consecrated death;
Worship was offered to the Undivine.

All natural movements of life were twisted into perverted and false forms. Love turned into hate and joy into agony, the embrace of love became a torture to the heart and anguish became the offering consecrated to Falsehood and Death. Prayers and sacrifice were offered to the undivine beings and dark powers.

Inferno’s art
A new aesthesis of Inferno’s art
That trained the mind to love what the soul hates,
Imposed allegiance on the quivering nerves
And forced the unwilling body to vibrate.

The sense of beauty was also distorted making one feel drawn towards things that the divine element in us abhors. Music was a spell of excitement to the nerves rather than a rhythm of the soul.

Closing Remarks
All things were perverted and distorted in that realm. Nothing was left untouched; religion and beauty and music and art were all afflicted by the dark and dangerous power.

I have objected in the past to Vairagya of the ascetic kind and the tamasic kind and by the tamasic kind I mean that spirit which comes defeated from life.