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At the Feet of The Mother

Sri Aurobindo's Writings

Bengali Writings
Vishvamitra was beside himself with rage. He could not concentrate on his tapasyā. He had vowed that if Vashishtha did not acknowledge him as a Brahmarshi that day, he would kill him. To carry out this resolve, he armed himself with a sword as he left his hermitage. ...
Bengali Writings
A poor man was sitting in a dark hut thinking of his miseries and of the injustice and wrongs that could be found in this world of God's making. ... Shyamsundar(Krishna) is very tricky; luckily he does not reveal himself to me, otherwise I would teach him such a lesson that he would stop playing these tricks.”
Bengali Writings
Lo, dawn, the Beloved, appears in her gleaming young body. She impels all Life on the path towards the goal. Fire, the Divine Force, is born to be kindled in man. Dawn drives away all Darkness and fulfils herself in creating Light.
A new weekly series - Sri Aurobindo's Writings in Bengali, in English translation. This book contains numerous short writings of rare power and beauty, many of which are not well known (which doesn't apply to Durga Stotra, of course).
केवल ज्ञानवत्ता और शक्तिमत्ता ही परमा माता के प्रकटित वपु नहीं हैं; उनकी प्रकृति का और भी एक सूक्ष्मतर रहस्य है और उसके बिना ज्ञान और शक्ति अधूरे ही रह जाते हैं और पूर्णत्व भी उसके बिना पूर्ण नहीं होता।