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At the Feet of The Mother
Though, as we learn from his confidential letters to his wife, he was being led by the Divine within, he had arrived at a stage when a crucial experience alone could clear the way for further advance.

There are animals with very developed senses, aren’t there?

Ah! yes, there are animals which are much more advanced than we.
Every individual is an infinity in himself, a concealed godhead, an eternal portion of the supreme Divine. Every jiva represents a particular phase, a particular mode of the cosmic play, and in and through every one the divine Mother is unfolding the infinite universe
A Talk in Hindi (audio)
An interactive session with children from Odisha school on the decision making process. The various levels and ways of decision making are discussed against a background of our integral growth and spiritual evolution.
Thus we are revealed the difficulty and the danger and yet the inevitability of evolution and the Wisdom that uses all, even our resistance, for a greater perfection.
In the death tremendous hour when Sri Aurobindo withdraws leaving the Mother in our hearts and Savitri in our hands, the Mother formally inaugurates the Sri Aurobindo memorial as a university center in his Name. Soon thereafter there is going to be the Supramental manifestation.
Nothing must be attempted for ourselves as a separate existence; nothing done for others, whether neighbours, friends, family, country or mankind or other creatures merely because they are connected with our personal life and thought and sentiment or because the ego takes a preferential interest in their welfare.
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
The little Mind is tied to little things: Its sense is but the spirit's outward touch, Half-waked in a world of dark Inconscience; It feels out for its beings and its forms Like one left fumbling in the ignorant Night.
Life emerges with difficulty in matter. Its evolution has been led by desire which is a construct of ignorance. This must change into a conscious aspiration for the True and the Eternal, for then only can life find the infinite Bliss that it is really seeking for.
I am much troubled by the frequency of mechanical thoughts.

Reject always without getting disturbed by the recurrences.